A July 2010 interview with Bob (Class of 1949) and Jean Raymond who witnessed first-hand the birth of the engineering school.

A July 2010 interview with Bob (Class of 1949) and Jean Raymond who witnessed first-hand the birth of the engineering school.
Commemorating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the UMass Amherst College of Engineering. Did you know…
Emeritus Professor James Douglas, 83, of the UMass Amherst Chemical Engineering (ChE) Department passed away at his home on February 15, 2017. Douglas was a full professor at UMass Amherst for nearly 30 years, was elected to the National Academy of Engineering, and was a recipient of the UMass Amherst Chancellor’s Medal. So great was his influence that a former student established the Professor James Douglas Early Career Faculty Development Award in the College of Engineering in his honor.
This joint apprentice program between the GE operation in Pittsfield and the UMass College of Engineering in Amherst was a pioneering industry-university partnership that afforded highly qualified high school graduates a full scholarship to UMass along with practical work experience in the GE plant.
Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement Michael Malone completed his undergraduate education at Pennsylvania State University in 1974 (B.S. Chemical Engineering) before embarking upon graduate studies in Chemical Engineering at UMass (Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, 1979).
Many of us at the College of Engineering know very little about the larger-than-life faculty members who ran the college during its early years, even those professors whose names have been immortalized in our buildings. One of these pioneers was Professor of Chemical Engineering Joseph Sol Marcus of Marcus Hall fame.
A history of the institution and College of Engineering, as written in 1973 by Professor John H. Dittfach.
A history of the institution and College of Engineering, as written in 1973 by Professor John H. Dittfach.
The roots of Engineering can be traced back to a crude shop that was to be the backbone of Engineering. Read the history compiled by technicians Francis A. (Bugsy) Duda and Charles Cichanowicz.
A narrative by David C. N. Robb, Massachusetts Zeta ’56